Shawn had a party to go to on Friday and I didn't have any cute little girl gift bags, and I didn't feel like running to the store for the 4th time that day, so I made one. It was my 1st and only time so far and I thought that it turned out cute, if I say so myself:)
If you know Veggie Tales then you know who Bob and Larry are. Shawn loves Veggie tales and when he found out that he could meet then at a book store he was VERY excited. So we went to the book store and met them and when we where leaving he said "Why do they have arms and legs at the store and not in the movies?" And then he said "I know they are Robots and they need to have arms and legs to get around" :) I didn't want to tell him they are just men in costumes:)
Birthday Breakfast! I did this last year and Shawn wanted to have a candle and pancakes again this year for his Birthday Breakfast. He was pretty excited about some red vines that he got in his package from Grandma in the mail. He wanted to decorate his own cake. It is a dinosaur if you can't tell. All ready to blow out his candles They where all trick candles so Todd ended up having to help blow them out.