The Latest BISHOPCREW Geocaching Adventures and happenings. 532 finds, so far...
Muggle Cards!!! Whats Geocaching? What's a Muggle? Sometimes it can be a little difficult to explain Geocaching with out sounding crazy, partially because craziness is kind of a prerequisite, but to make it easier we made quick and easy pass along cards with a functioning QR Code and some basic information and rules.

Shawn found a super cool wooden Indian head nickle in a cache.
This one was fierce! we hacked our way through the jungle and thorns until we finally made it as usaual the Billdozer was worn out!
Is that the Cache?
It wasn't long on the hike into this one that the Billdozer was out cold...
Cache? Where are you?
Probably one of the coolest Travel Bugs ever Wolfpack1999's cache mobile! TB4KE69
Who brings a toothbrush caching?
The Billdozer still has his toothbrush but later on he dropped it in the swamp and then tried to crawl under the fence and got stuck.
Caching with the Wolfpack! TWC SEEDLING - Turkey Creek Nature Trail GC34ZBE