Every Other Year there is an Air Show on Base, the 1st year we were here it was canceled because of lighting and wind. But this year the weather was nice and warm and we where able to go!

Here is Shawn in an Blue Angels plane, even thou we saw the Thunder Birds.

Shawn Strapping into one if the C-130's that his Dad works on.

Shawn in the Cockpit of an F-16 He was feeling pretty cool

We had to wait in line for 20min, for Shawn to get in the F-16, so Shawn was super excited when he got up to the steps to get into the plane.

Shawn and a Tank

Shawn on a Mine Motorcycle

The inside of a C-7 from the Vietnam war, this one had 21 bullet holes it in from Vietnam.
This video is of The Tora Tora Show that they did. It was pretty cool they had lots of big explosions on the ground during the show.