A few days ago, William and I were hanging out, so I decided to see how he would like some belly time. Well to say the least he didn't, He got a little angry started to grumble and then rolled over to his back. Thinking that is was some sort of fluke of nature I put him back on his stomach again and to my surprise he provided a instant replay! So the third time I got out my cell phone and tried again, so here he is at 9 days old showing off his new trick.
This is how Shawn Rolls!
The Adventure of the Free Go Kart
Later today we picked up a free Go Kart, it was free for good reason...

Shawn was pretty exited even though it didn't run and had a flat unrepairable tire?

We went right to work! The spark plug was fouled and wouldn't fire, so we fixed that with a spare that I had laying around for the mower. Then with some starting fluid it would start but wouldn't stay running, so we had a fuel delivery problem. Then next logical step was tearing into the carburetor, so we did.

I've found that most of the time when a small engine won't run after sitting for a while a good carburetor cleaning is all it takes and it was definitely the case for this one. The little main jet in the carb was all "gummed up." I've always thought that it's amazing that a little part like the one below will keep big and small engines alike from running.

Here it is all torn apart and ready to go back together!

Here's the results in the few videos below!